You can’t build anything lasting by cutting corners on its foundation

You can’t build anything lasting by cutting corners on its foundation

We’ve all watched those skyscrapers or other large buildings getting built and marvel at how much work and time it takes to even get the structure back to ground level. And then suddenly, we also marvel at that same building once it’s above ground and think “man, that’s going up fast!”

The reality is that the planning and engineering that goes into foundations most of us will never see are what ensures that we will never worry about the safety, security, or long-term viability of a building. It also means that once that foundation is set, the rest does go relatively fast.

In many ways, building a software product is similar, with one major caveat: software development typically lacks engineering causing product foundations not only to take longer but to be more fragile causing problems over time.

Without engineering, meaning without standardized, tested, replicable constructs, strong software product foundations are very expensive and time intensive to build. As a result, it’s difficult to create the business rationale for investing in building a product right the first time.

So, businesses take on technical debt that leads to major refactoring or rebuilding of products down the road because of security, performance, or scalability problems.

Businesses shouldn’t have to make the tradeoff between quality and speed and they shouldn’t have to build and rebuild standard product foundations as if they were unique to their business.

BOS provides a secure, performant, and scalable foundation for any product in a matter of minutes. We can do this because BOS brings engineering to that foundation. And, as a result, BOS enables your business to focus on building the software that matters to your customers without worrying about the technical debt that undermines your business.